You are cordially invited to a gourmet community Rosh Hashana dinner as we ring in the new year! Enjoy a 4-course festive meal, delicious traditional Rosh Hashanah foods complete with round challah, great camaraderie and inspiration to welcome the New Year. Friday, September 15th 7:30 PM at Chabad Full Name* First Name Last Name Phone Number* E-mail* Number of Adults Attending* $36/Adult Number of Children Attending $18/Child Students Free 123456789 Total $0.00 Payment Credit Card Paypal Venmo Credit Card We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Credit Card Number Security Code1 - January2 - February3 - March4 - April5 - May6 - June7 - July8 - August9 - September10 - October11 - November12 - December Expiration Month2023202420252026202720282029203020312032 Expiration YearPaypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next Comments: I would like to receive news and updates by email Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.