High Holiday Appeal - JewishOlympia.com
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At Chabad of Olympia
Holiday Date
September 22 - October 2, 2025

High Holiday Appeal

  • Repentance, Prayer and Charity

    The High Holiday liturgy teaches us of the three channels we can use to ensure a good New Year: 1-Prayer. 2-Repentance. 3-Charity.

    While we all spend much time in prayer and repentance, I would like to ask for you help in the third category - charity.

    This time of year, when we turn to G-d asking for a healthy and prosperous new year, is also the time when we give Charity. 

    Your generous donation will secure the vibrant Jewish future of our community.

    During these trying times, YOUR support will ensure our doors remain wide-open to fill the humanitarian, emotional and spiritual needs of the ever growing community!

    Thank you for your support and partnership! 

    Shana tova!

    Wishing you and your dear family a happy, healthy and sweet new year! 

    - Rabbi Yosef Schtroks

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