What exactly is the Chabad Jewish Discovery Center?
It's a place where anyone can come to learn about and experience being Jewish. Our goal is to provide exciting, inspiring and challenging Jewish educational opportunities, no matter what your age, stage, background or affiliation.
Isn't Chabad orthodox? I'm not orthodox, so I don't think Chabad is a good fit for me...
The Chabad Jewish Discovery Center is Chabad-run, but the attendees are not Chabad. or even "orthodox." (I put that last one in parentheses, because really, who needs labels? We are all just "Jews!") Our goal is to provide a place for anyone to explore Judaism. Everyone is looking for something else, whether a feeling of community, a place for your child to develop a Jewish identity, a place to be inspired, a place to be intellectually challenged through learning, or a rabbi to nudge with your existential, personal, challenging or curious questions. (By the way, nothing makes Rabbi Yosef happier than answering questions, so next time you see him, ask away!) Whatever your reason, you are welcome to participate in whatever speaks to you, and enjoy á la carte!
Wait, are you going to try to make me orthodox or religious?
No. Our goal is to provide opportunities to explore your Jewish heritage, and we encourage you to participate in whatever resonates with you.
I'm already a member somewhere else.
I'm a member at Costco, but I also shop elsewhere! We are another Jewish resource in town, and no matter what, everyone can benefit from increased Jewish study, and we invite you to check out the exciting opportunities for learning at Chabad.
Does Chabad consider Reform, Conservative, Reconstructinist or non-practicing Jews as "real Jews?"
Yes. Not only that, all Jews are equally Jewish, and no one can be more Jewish than another!
I don't read Hebrew, how will I be able to follow along in classes and services?
Classes are all given in English, and any Hebrew phrases or words are explained and translated (and we like reminders if we forget!). For text-based classes, all Hebrew texts are written alongside an English translation. During services, Hebrew-English prayerbooks are used, and page numbers are anounced frequently. You are welcome to pray in whichever language is comfortable for you. Important prayers, such as kaddish, are found transliterated at the end, so you can say the words in Hebrew with easy-to-read English letters!
This sounds great! Who funds all these great programs?
We're glad you asked! We are not funded by a central Chabad office, and like all Chabad institutions, depend on local funding to keep offering great programs. So all of our support is from locals like you.... Thank you!
Whoa! That's crazy! What is Chabad exactly that makes its young couples want to move away from friends, family and a religious community to open education centers?
Good question. In a word, Chabad is all about love, serving G‑d with joy, and the power of education. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (leader of Chabad), cared deeply about every single Jew in every far-flung corner of the planet, and the stories are legendary of the lengths the Rebbe would go to show his care for even one person. Then Rebbe began sending Shluchim (as these young couples are called) beginning in the 1940's. Post World War II, the Rebbe said that the Nazis hunted out every Jew in hate, and we would seek out every Jew in love. For more about Chabad's philosophy, click HERE.